Monday, November 4, 2013

Stain remover - I.E. The Best thing since sliced bread

EDITED: As its been a few years since I posted this and I still LOVE this miracle cleaner (and it's football season again), I thought I'd repost and update :-) 
Happy cleaning!

In the midst of all the wedding planning, we've been in the midst of football playoff season.  Not sure why anyone ever thought white uniforms were a good idea...but that is a discussion for another day!  For now, I just want to share the best thing since sliced bread.  AK and I can't remember exactly where we discovered the recipe for this cheap and oh so simple spot remover, but are we happy we found it!!  Not only does it take care of every day stains on clothes...but it knocks out ground in football stains better than anything else I've tried.  AND it's useful for removing cooked on eggs from pans, whitening grout in the bath tub, getting out stains from carpets and couches (diluted a bit).  The stuff is seriously amazing! 
So what is it made from??
NOTE: After it sits for a little bit, the cleaner will turn a pink/purple color.

Equal parts Dawn Dish Soap (regular blue or the overnight soaking power) and hydrogen peroxide.  Both can be gotten in bulk for very reasonable prices at Costco (SCORE!)  Mix in a spray bottle and you're good to go!
For regular stains on clothes, I just spray and throw it in the washer.  BUT for stains like these???

I sprayed the worst spots (in this case, that meant pretty much the entire surface of the pants!!), threw them in the washer, poured a little extra of the stain remover in for good measure, and let the washer fill and agitate a little.  Then, I turned the washer off and let it soak overnight or for several hours.  Once it's soaked, I turned the washer on to finish cycling.  After it was finished, I put a little bit of laundry soap in and ran it through another whole wash cycle. 
NOTE: I discovered that there's no need to add any extra laundry soap.  The dawn takes care of all sweaty-boy smell and the uniforms come out nice and clean!

And here's the results!! 

Monday, October 28, 2013

Family Bio

I was asked to write a short bio for a church thing, and figured I'd share it here.  The only edition I'd make is thanking everyone for their love, support, encouragement, and prayers.  We have been SO blessed by all of the people in our lives and we really can't thank you enough!
Wallace Family Bio

The Wallace family is made up of six GREAT men!  The patriarch, Glenn, is a pillar of strength; washer of dishes, laundry, and toilet seats; a fixer of most anything; and one heck of a good lego builder.  Next in line comes Glennie who is currently spreading his wings as a freshman in college.  He’s a natural born leader; great at math and football; and he can easily put anyone at ease.  Closely following him, is Jonnie, a junior in high school.  He oozes with football smarts and is an asset to his team anywhere they put him.  He loves the New York Giants, Duck Dynasty, and excels in all areas of school.  Will is next in line, a freshman in high school, although he is close to outgrowing his dad!  He is great with kids (GREAT at making up simple, yet entertaining games), honing his skills on the football field, and loves the Simpsons (a love shared by all of the Wallace men!).  Next comes Josh, a mighty 4th grader.  He is loved by teachers, coaches, friends, and family.  His hero is Glennie, he loves to play pool and legos, and he is becoming a fantastic football player.  Last, but not least, is PJ.  He may be the smallest in the bunch (for now), but this 2nd grader can hold his own.  He wants to be Legolas and build cabins when he grows up, and if there’s ever a zombie apocalypse, he’ll save the planet.  He loves bedtime stories, legos, scooters, football, and video games.
Joining the Wallace clan on November 10th, is Pam.  Her organizational and cooking skills and love of watching sports (particularly the St. Louis Cardinals and Payton Manning) are a bonus, but her kind, gentle, and nurturing spirit are what won her the love of Glenn, and earned her a place in the lives of the Wallace men.  Glenn and Pam met through eHarmony (thanks to the urging of one of Glenn's church friends, the teasing of Will, and the fantastically written profile that Pam's sister wrote!) and their journey toward November 10th has been filled with lots of sports watching, camping trips, challenges (big and small), and spiritual growth both individually and as a couple.  They are so excited to start this new chapter of their journey together as they become man and wife.  RMPC has played a big role in their lives and they are forever grateful for all of the love, support, encouragement, and prayers that so many have provided.

Directions to the Church

Less than TWO weeks till the big day!! 
Can't believe it's almost here.
We are definitely excited!!
For those of you unfamiliar with the location of the's a little guide.
Rocky Mountain Presbyterian Church is located at
4097 Main Street in Westminster, Colorado 80031
Exit I-25 at 120th Ave and go West (just under 4 miles).
Take a left at Bradburn Blvd (there's a light - if you get to Sheridan you've gone too far).
1st left onto Main St. and the church will be on your left.
Parking is located behind the church (take the left directly after the church).
If you are coming from Wadsworth or Sheridan, go East on 120th Ave.
Take a right on Bradburn Blvd (there's a light - if you get to Lowell Blvd you've gone too far).
1st left onto Main St. and the church will be on your left.
Parking is located behind the church (take the left directly after the church).

(the church is the white building with the green roof)
Directions to the reception will be provided in the wedding program. 

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

39 Plus hotels

Count down:
Not sure why - but since I was young, 39 has been my favorite number...much to the horror of my mother since I would tell people that she was 39 when she was MUCH younger! Today, we have hit 39 days till the wedding.  A number that is at the same time thrilling and terrifying!  Thrilling because there are only 39 short days until the wedding.  Terrifying because there are only 39 SHORT days until the wedding..........and still much to be done.  As I have told many stressed out brides over the years - what gets done gets done and what doesn't, doesn't matter because at the end of the day in 39 days I'll be married.  Much easier to say as a calm voice of reason to a stressed out bride than to receive as a stressed out bride!  But I do know (and mostly remember...cept in my worse panic moments) it is true and I can't wait for these 39 days to pass!

Hotel information:
If you are one of the people traveling to the wedding from out of town and haven't already made lodging arrangements, there are many hotels in the Denver Metro area.  If you google hotels in the 80233 area you should find ones that are conveniently located between the church and the reception.  I looked through them and here's a list by price range for some of the hotels in the area:

Sleeping in a Castle sound like a treat?  Then this hotel is JUST right - but it'll cost ~$150-160 per night.

A castle a wee bit pricey for your budget?  Then the Holiday Inn Express or the Comfort Suites might be more up your alley.  They range between ~$95 and 125 per night (depending on hotel and type of room).
For an even more budget friendly price, The Econo Lodge and LaQuinta might be good choices at between ~$70 and 80 per night.

(Disclosure: I haven't checked out any of these hotels out in person, so I cannot personally vouch for any of them)

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Annoucement Making

Thanks to some FANTASTIC friends,
the wedding annoucements are coming along
 and on schedule to be sent out this weekend! 
They're expected to arrive by hand,
by post,
slow boat to china (or in this case Australia),
or possibly an occaional owl. ;-)




Welcome to the Wallace Way!

As time allows, we'll be posting updates on how wedding planning is coming as well as important information for the wedding weekend such as directions, hotels in the area, etc. 
74 days and counting!!
(Leave a comment if you're interested in information on our AMAZING photographer)